Sihem Hannechi is a Tunisian 24-year-old girl, who is in her second year
Energetics Master degree. Sihem is trying to build her path and leave
some traces in the world of writing! As she loves writing, she has been
doing it since she was 13 years old. Besides, she writes a weekly
article in « Tounsia Horra » and now, she is on the lookout to publish
her own book very soon. She writes in both English and Tunisian. She is also fond of reading and handmade decorative objects.
صلي...غني و دندن غناية
ولا افرز بين الكتب و اقرا رواية
المهم ما تقعدش تتفرج .قوم تمشى
جرّب..أعمل حاجات أول مرة تعملها
ّأُشرب قهوة فوق جبل ولا عالبحر و على ضو النجوم تعشى
دلل روحك و اعطيها قيمتها و هي تعطيك على قد محبتها
تنفس هوا جديد...سافر وحدك و امشي الثنايا لبعيد
بعيد عليهم و على روحك القديمة
أرجع لصغرك و أهرب اجري وانت تسرق في وردة من الجنينة
اقعد مع ناس تزيدك و تفيدك...مش ناس حساد همهم يفكو اللي في ايدك
اخرج في الفجاري و اطلع في جبولات و عيط بالصوت العالي
فك لحظتك مالدنيا و عيشها...بهمها..بغمها
اهبل مع هبلتها و ادروش مع درويشتها
اضحك...اشطح و غني
موش الفايدة تتنفس...الفايدة تعيش زاهي
If you feel different, celebrate that you've come to this world with some sort of special are have what you need to raise your head up and shine between all the dark faces around; they are similar...all similar.
You are an exception; they are copies...and you are a distinctive and original version of yourself. However your difference is, big or small...short or hell tall, you can't stop talking. If you ever felt shy, do no panic.
If you have your hair perfectly dressed in stars’ way or if you have let it down, untied to taste its free waves… do not make a fuss about it. Just celebrate your difference, your fears, your anxieties and your flaws. Celebrate all the misfortune you are seeing in your self, as you are not defined by the way you look. You are defined by the way you are! Remember that somebody, somewhere in the world, bears the same differences as you, who dream about someone like you, with whom you can feel complete. From your difference comes power, comes a chance... even a miracle. Indeed, an art can spring up.
During the four years I have spent in college in Tunis, I have come to realize how much of a diverse country Tunisia is. I have had the ch...
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