Lost and unfound
This week's writing by:
Ryma Messaoudi is a 19 year old English student in the Faculty of Humanities at Tunis , she self taught herself that through writing , she can improve her linguistic skills . Also she's fond of arts and considers drawing a passion in life . Besides she strongly believes in the beautiful impact of music on one's soul.
Dazed and confused ..
Lost … I am lost in the bare woods of my thoughts .The moment you realize you have stayed too long in the darkness to the point where you can't even recognize the light if you come close to it. It makes you aware of the pain, yes, the pain of not being able to shout out loud to the world and fight back to get your freedom. I can't take it anymore; these shadows around me are crushing my bones, breaking my heart, taking my soul away. I know I am not the only one. I know there are other lost souls somewhere in this blinding world … this world that made us follow like idiots a fake spark, a delusional brightness that fades away when the road ends. And that's when we realize that we were fooled by our own world. So mustn't we doubt it then? And even if we did, it won't be too long till we face the menace of being banished from it... Because reality makes it hard to be different, you think? You die. You're special? You're a loser. You try? You won't make it.
Would you give up..and walk back to your safe zone?
Give up, don't stand out, be like everyone else, guided by the chains of lies. Follow. But that's when you're lost, that’s when you abandon yourself to live in the dark world I am living in. The black hole is surrounding my naked body and feeding my gaps with colorless thoughts, but at least true ones. I don't want your light if it's a lie, I want my darkness; I want to be lost in my thoughts, I want the shadows, I want to be surrounded by fears rather than escaping them my whole life . Dead? Maybe, but you are, even more. Do you call that a life? Running behind a rushing crowd in an endless road? Chasing a lie made up to give you the tiniest hope to continue following? Go ahead, be in that crowd, but never call me a loser or judge my darkness, at least it is my choice, while you were carried away by the lies. Why Would you fight back?, just surrender and
let your fears take over!
let your fears take over!
-Ryma Messaoudi